Thursday, 19 January 2017

Computer Experiments 7

For this image, I thought it would be an interesting approach to try and merge different graffiti walls together and this is the final product. I think it does work quite well due to the colours interlinking, yet I do not think it has been as successful as some of my other experiments and therefore I do not think I will do this effect again.

These are the four different images which I chose, the way I gained this effect was by opening all these images on the same background as different layers, and using the cutting tool I took even amounts of rectangles away from each layer remaining with only one of the layers.

Computer Experiment 6

As this was taken within my counter stereotypes of youth shoot, I think this effect works really well because it gives it a cartoon effect, creating a high contrast within my images. I also like how this has further defined the colours within this image, mostly the orange and brown tones. Even though this style of editing is quite different from the others, I think for that singular shoot, it works quite well.
The steps...
when you open the add adjustment layer tool at the bottom left hand side, you need to scroll down to the "Posterize" label.

This will open this bar up and you can adjust the slider to however deep you want the effect, whether you want it just a little on the images or as I have done, very clear and dominant.

Computer Experiment 5


By selecting the filter drop down, then Stylize then Extrude
This opens up and you can decide the intensity of the Extrude, below are two examples of the opposite ends of the spectrum (for my image image shown above, I used 50 Pixels)...
90 Pixels
10 Pixels

Computer Experiment 4

Noise- Median
I find this effect really intriguing because normally I don't like blurry photos in this context, however I find this effect has merged the graffiti together making the darker colours more dominant. I find this is really symbolic in the whole youth representation because it is suggested that youths being part of a subculture are those groups together and if you don't fit inside the group you are therefore an outside and therefore do not understand the norms and values in which that group goes by. The reason for me putting this with this image is that it could be suggested if you aren't the one who done the graffiti, you wouldn't understand the meaning behind this, much like the group of friendship in youth.

Through opening the filter drop down, go down to Noise and then across to Median. 
This screen opens up and you are able to change the intensity of the noise. 

Computer experiment 3


I find this image really interesting in symbolising youth and very similar to the work of Dan Boulton. This is because this effect has made my subject almost disappear into the graffiti behind him. This therefore could be read by the audience in the idea that youths are typically suggested to be harder to read and are classed as "hard to read", yet graffiti expresses meaning and emotions of youths and therefore I believe this editing technique has helped me create this idea/ perspective.

By clicking on the "Create new layer adjustment" open the "Threshold" layer filter

This screen opens up and you are able to adjust the bar to the amount of Threshold you wish your image to have. When it opens up, the pointer is on the middle of the line, however, I lowered it because my image would dark originally so with it high up, it looked even darker which I didn't like, thus why I choose to lower it.

Computer experiment 2



This technique was very similar to the reasoning behind the first computer experiment of pixelating, yet I found using the smudge tool there was a bit more freedom with the way I done it. I could have smudged the faces in any direction, I chose a circular approach originally yet move the faces a bit more afterwards in order to distort the face the way it is now. Symbolically I believe this could have a very powerful meaning behind it through the creation of youth stereotypes. One of the generic stereotypes is the idea that youths value a sense of collectivism- being part of a group where being valued by peers is very important, this forms a subculture of identity where it could be argued youths attempt to dress the same and look the same. Therefore I found by smudging all my subjects faces together it gave this similarity stereotype to my audience.

The steps...
By selecting the smudge tool and ensuring the background layer is selected, you are able to smudge any part of the image of your choice, by maximising the brush size, it creates a more smudged effect, the smaller the brush size the more dense you can make the smudge.