Thursday, 29 December 2016

Shoot Ten- Graffiti Mess- Straight Images

This is the part of the tunnel where a tribute wall for the celebrities who died in 2016, which I personally believe is a really good idea, yet I focused this image on the mess scattered around which has been left behind through the creation of this art. To start, there are the images which were drawn, planned before this person done this, I find this a really intriguing insight because many people (old generations) believe graffiti doesn't have any thought go into it, yet this clear goes against that view. Another aspect I find really interesting in this image is that it appears there are flowers left wrapped up, which is what I originally had thought, yet when I want to look at them, it turned out to be paper with lots of paint is, however there was a couple of them which implies that the creator of this wanted the aspect of being flowers.  

I find this image really intriguing as an insight into the youth stereotype even without the subjects being present in this frame. This is because the use of shapes in the cans are every eye drawing, both beer cans and spray cans are the same size and colour, being very similar. I also find this image shows the community of collective identity in the youth culture. On my trips to Leake Street, I found that the artists who go there know each other and spend lots of time helping one another and watching each other which I think shows a really great community. Therefore I find that this image can create a story for the audience to read into- the spray cans were for the artist and those helping him were drinking, creating that fun atmosphere. I also find this helps me show through documentary photography my aim of the stereotypical youth because I personally didn't touch anything including in this photo which makes it a true insight. Another part of this image which is interesting is the background mess behind the key focus, showing that even though these spray cans have been left standing sort of neatly, the surrounding is very messy with more beer cans and spray cans across the ground. I also found that throughout this whole shoot, the mess was helped highlighted through the mess of paint on the floor, this may have been through the quick spray of the new spray can.

The is another image similar to the one above which I find intriguing through the combined mess of spray cans and alcoholic cans. I took two very similar images this one and a lighter one, yet I found the darker one worked much better because the darker light combined with the mess conform together in order to create the gritty atmosphere in which I believe works really well in the youth culture. Another aspect of this image which appears to be really successful is the use of narrow depth of field, I have made my camera through manual focus purely focus on the mess in the foreground, yet even though it is out of focus the background of graffiti is still seen by the audience which I  think is really successful in combining the stereotypes of youth together.

Even though this image doesn't purely focus on the mess on the floor, I find that the use of the punctum of a drainpipe shows the mess of the graffiti as it stands out of the pink graffiti, there's also the mess at the bottom of the pipe along there which I find really interesting. 

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