Saturday, 19 November 2016

Shoot nine- Silhouettes Shoot Analysis

Even though most of my shoot are documentary style/ on location, I hope to experiment a different technique for this shoot, within the studio. The reason I have decided to do this is because I want to create a more "staged" creation of youth, just purely for experimentation reason to see whether or not it works.
For this shoot, I will be using the technique of silhouetting within the studio. Through researching, I have gained different ways in which I can experiment the creation of silhouettes. My subjects will be different people because I believe this way it should make different beliefs for my audience- giving them an outline of a person to gain a perspective on their personality rather than a lit up portrait of them.
The main photographer that has influenced this shoot is Darren Johnson who is a photographer who has experimented with silhouettes- on location, however I have chosen the studio setting because then I believe it will give me more control on my lighting.
The main aim for my work is to be able to gain at least one person who can create a stereotypical representation for my audience on youth. Furthermore, I hope to use work from my image bank to help inspire this shoot.

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