Saturday, 19 November 2016

Shoot Nine- Silhouettes Straight Images

Camera Settings; 
Shutter Speed- 1/125
F.stop- 11
ISO- 200
For both of these images, I chose to use a stereotypical outfit of youth identity- a hoodie. For this image I asked someone who I know yet I haven't actually captured any photos of before so I wanted to try it out. I also wanted to highlight the hoodie with this subject so the way I done this was by getting my subject standing on their side and also the image on the right was taken without the knowing of the subject, he just so happened to be sorting out his hoodie yet I think the final result has worked really well. As its a silhouette I believe the idea of stereotype youth is conveyed really well in both these images because the audience are unable to form any other view of this subject other than what he is wearing more importantly the hoodie. 
Camera Settings;
Shutter Speed- 1/125
F.stop- 11
ISO- 200

Camera Settings;
Shutter Speed- 1/160
F.stop- 11

Camera Settings;
Shutter Speed- 1/125
F.stop- 11
ISO- 200

Camera Settings; 
Shutter Speed- 1/125
F.stop- 11
ISO- 200

Even though the rest of these images are not seen as the stereotypical youth I believe it can be seen as symbolic to the audience because it implies they want to keep their identity hidden perhaps due to be guilty. In terms of the media, when they want to protect someones identity, generally when they are a vunerable individual ie a young person, they use a silhouette so other people cannot track them and know who they exactly are. I think this technique is overall really successful in doing this. 

1 comment:

  1. OK a good shoot comment on why you did not use any/many of these images for the final portfolio.. also comment on your focus of studio images...
