Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Multiple Exposure Techniques

3"-4" Exposure.

Equipment needed...
lots of batteries
Simple set
Soft box above the subject

DefinitionIn photography and cinematography, a multiple exposure is the superimposition of two or more exposures to create a single image, and double exposure has a corresponding meaning in respect of two images. The exposure values may or may not be identical to each other. (googles meaning)

My definition: getting two images, one of a subject, then one of a landscape and merging them together.
This is an example of multiple exposure. It shows how editing is a key for this technique. This photographer would have taken an image of the cat and then taken the image of the road then when coming to editing, they would have combined them- putting the image of the road only within the cat- the surrounding stays the same of the image with the cat. 

To take it on the camera:
Menu system- multiple exposure- auto gain off (to make them brighter) - number of shoots 2 click on,

High key- put camera in spot metering  mode (this will focus on the face of the subject and not the background, making the background over exposed/ "maxed out white"- nothing else is visible, no other detail) - aperture priority mode, put focus point in the centre. make the exposure +2.
The face would have to be 0 exposure.

Take/ open the two photos
drag it onto the same canvas
(having to layer) Click "normal" and change it to screen.

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