Thursday, 1 September 2016

Sequencing Image Bank

I really like this image and hope to take something in this way because I believe it is quite a simple way to achieve sequencing although still looks really cool and has a good affect. I also like this image because it shows the child's different emotions throughout the sequence- the child is looking at the camera for the back three parts but looking forwards on the front two parts. Another aspect I like of this image is that the sequence isn't crammed together like some photos I found- there is space between each part.

This is another example of sequencing which I really like because the angle of the subject moving is different- the camera has been placed at an angle rather than head on. I like the effect this angle has on sequencing because you can see how the child is moving closer towards the camera showing a depth of field of this image.
I was really intrigued when I found this image, much like the one above, because of the angle not being head on, the audience follows the man as he jumps of the rocks into the sea, yet there comes a part of the sequence which is hidden from the splash of the water which I really like. Even though I like this photo, it isn't a photo I would be able to replicate at this point in time.
This is another image of sequencing which I wanted to include because at first it looks like there are five planes flying in a dead straight formation, yet when looking further into the photo, you find out that it's edited this way which I really like. Although, much like the image above, I chose this image for an example of sequecning however I do not believe I would be able to take a similar photo not living near an airport.
This image is one I really like the effect of. As the photographer has used the effect of making the subject a silhouette, the subject holds no identity- except for the sequence in which he is performing. I really hope to take this technique and use it into my work because I think it works really well.
This is a final image which I have chosen to use in my image bank because it shows the subject preparing for the jump and then the subject after the jump. I like this sequence because I like how the photographer has subject in a straight line all the way through.

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