Monday, 10 October 2016

Beauty Gel Lighting shoot- Work Diary.

During today's lesson, we looked at the approach of beauty gel lighting. To achieve this technique, we learnt that the angles of lighting and the amount of lights you use, is very important. We found that our fill light was causing our photos to become over exposed so we decided to cover it with another cover- due to what we have available at college we have to make due, however I think this shoot did go quite well, it's just a shame the colouring of my images weren't as bold as I had wanted them to be. 

My favourite image from this shoot:
The reason this is my favourite image is because of the positioning of the subject, she is positioned straight on and also in the center of the screen. This has meant that the colouring of the gel from the back lights were able to give my subject depth- make her stand out from the backdrop behind her. However, even though this is my favourite image, I do wish the colour was more dominant, a way this could have happened could have been by making the the lights closer- but then we were faced with having the lights in the background of our photo, or making the lights bigger- but then we would have the accessibility issue. My photo here shows my progression through my research because I have taken elements of different photographers work in order to form this image, for example the idea of doing nearly a full body shot, rather than a close up, this abled my to show my audience more of my subject- rather than just her face, this further shows how this style more resembles fashion photography, not just ordinary portraiture.
A similar image in this style is this one taken by photographer "dav.d photography". The reason this image resembles my work is unlike many of the image I have used in my image bank, this one doesn't have colour dispersed throughout the frame- just like my one does not. Furthermore, my photo is similar to this image because the colouring of the gels isn't that dominate- the two different colours are on the top sides of the body and that's it. 
My least favourite image from this shoot: 
As my subject wasn't ready for me to take this image, she was mid speaking and mid blinking. I don't like this image because I think it's messy. Furthermore, I do not like the colour in this image because I don't think it has the same effect as the image above, my subject doesn't stand out as much, I think this is because my subject is wearing black in her clothing here, making her fade into the background. A way I would improve this image would be to have her looking at the camera, have her ready, and also like the image above, have more colour on the photo.

Using this technique?
When I come to shooting image for my shoot, there are certain images I could do in for my idea, for example, images shown in my image bank of people smoking, however, this may be quite hard to do because you aren't allowed to smoke on site unless it's in the shelter- therefore I wouldn't be allowed to shoot in the studio, as I do not have the equipment to do so at home, this technique would be quite hard to recreate. Furthermore, other than one idea of getting photos of someone smoking, this technique wouldn't fit with anything else and would therefore be odd in a shoot. 

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