An image from this shoot which I really like...
Even though this image looks massively posed, it wasn't, my friends were looking at the walls their selves and I thought it was really interesting as they looked very similar to the graffiti. The reason this is my favorite photo is because I believe it shows friendships really clearly. The symbolic reasoning behind this image suggests a conforming aspect, stereotypically it is argued that teenagers see other friendships, perhaps on the media, and conform to this standard of friendships, they copy one another because that's believed how to form the "best" friendship.
An image from this shoot which I do not really like...
As spoken about on my shoot analysis, I intended to get a studio image of one of the subjects in the friendship groups and displaying them together, this way the audience would be able to gain an individual insight of the subject on their own and then view them in their friendship group, which may result in a different view. However, this is my least favorite image because even though in my mind it would of been symbolic, but I do not think the final piece looks as it was intended, it could have been improved by using low key lighting rather than high key lighting as it would have fitted in better with the lighting in the second image.
I think you probably need to add tis image to your portfolio either as a diptyche or as a single image of the two friends on the tube..?