Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Shoot Two- Smoking- Shoot Analysis

Smoking. Smoking has always been relevant into explaining the stereotypes of youth. When you look at old films, there are still aspects of smoking, just the youth doing it whilst hiding it from their parents. Smoking has always been a form of rebellion. A way of standing up to their elders and symbolically saying they know best. This is useful because it means I will not be doing what I have in previous shots, showing different youth cultures, I will aiming to take as many shots as I can of being smoking. Within this shot, there will be a range of both documentary and staged portraits. This is because with the documentary ones, I will be able to take photos of anyone smoking and form an insight of that subcultures identity. Yet when I stage them it means I will be able to explore more techniques.
The techniques to use in this shoot will include GIFs, for this it will have to be staged because I aim to take looks of photos of the movement of both the subject and the smoke. Furthermore, to use close ups, I would have to stage my subjects how to stand, if I were to do this documentary style, the subject may be unwilling to cooperate. Another aspect I can use is the prop of a lighter this is because I would be able to shot this with Gel lighting within the studio- there wouldn't be any smoke.
Yet with documentary photos, I will be able to explore different techniques such as blur. Much like the work researched of William Klein, I hope to explore the youth culture of the smoking aspect. Blur will help show this because it causes a distortion of the frame which may be seen as symbolic because smoking kills, teenagers know that, yet do it anyway to rebel- showing a distorted way of thinking.

Photographers which have influenced this shoot includes Darren Johnson and Sophie days. These photographers have done this because their work (as shown on my research log) has captured the grunge effect of smoking which I really hope to achieve within this shoot.

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