Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Shoot Three- Friendships Within Youth Culture- Image Bank

This image is intriguing due to the documentary aspect of it. This photographer has captured a close friendship of these two subjects laughing together. For this shoot being all about friendship this is really interesting into teaching an audience about youth friendship as being part of a collective identity a group of just them and no one else- everyone else are outsiders. I am able to pull this implied meaning out of the photo because of the similarities of the the two subjects; their styles are both very similar, with the long hair, white t-shirt and black bottoms. This is significant to youth because of the location, when you look around the subjects, it appears they aren't sit on a floor at home or something, they appear to be sat on concrete outside, this shows rebellion of teenagers, there would more than likely be chairs near them yet they'd prefer to sit on the floor. Furthermore, this shows a "living in the moment" or "living for now" attitude of these subjects- which can be transferred as a stereotype of youth in general. This image can influence my work on this shoot by taking photos of friends without them knowing when I'll take my photo, when they are talking/ laughing.

This image show the "supporting" aspect of youth in friendship. You can see there are only two people yet they appear to be much happier just together, with their arms around each other depending on each other. Additionally, if someone was to look at this image, they may believe it just to be of two people walking down a dirty graffiti ridden tunnel, yet as their arms are up in the air, you can form a story of these subjects that they are singing/ shouting happily down this tunnel and they don't care who hears them/ sees them as they are happy in their own state. Much like the first image, this photo shows documentary photography as the photographer has captured these subjects half walking. This image has influenced me to take photos of a friendship, without them realising their photo is being taken, to capture the raw form of the friendship.

This image is very similar to a photographer within my research log- Megan Doherty; as showing friendship and having a good time through the use of a shopping trolley. This is useful into showing friendship in youth due to the rebellious attitude. The reason a rebellion attitude is implied in this image is the use of using a shopping trolley for the wrong purposes- for fun rather than shopping. Referring back to the theorist of Hedbrige, it's a question of what way you look at to whether this friendship is trouble or fun. For example this location doesn't look like it's at a supermarkets car park, thus suggesting this trolley has been stolen, yet was it these subjects or was it already there? Yet there is also the view that they aren't doing any particular harm to anyone, they are just entertaining themselves, they are worse things which they could be doing. This image has influenced me as it has shown me to try and include subtle ways which may get my audience wondering whether it is them having fun be being trouble.

This image is really interesting into looking at as much like the other images int his post, it shows how friendship is used as a tool of dependence. These two subjects are very similar- like the first image- showing how most friendships are as a result of them being similar, this could be because they are generally the same, but there's also the changing of friendships where each other turn into one another. This image is rather posed yet I still believe it shows youth really clearly because the low camera shot of looking up at the subjects has made the background empty with just the sky in the background. This can be symbolic into looking at youth and their friendships because it shows they feel as if it is just them and no one else. This image has influenced my ideas for this shoot because it has shown me to try and use different camera angles or to make it so there isn't anything behind my subjects to take away another focus, because it is just them and the friendship.

This image is an example of youth in the mod era. The reason I have chosen this image in oder to show friendship of youth is much similar to the other images in this post, the mod parker is worn by everyone one of these subjects, some even wearing the same badge on the back. This is an important factor of youth because it shows collective identity of friendship. If someone was to turn up in this group wearing something other than black jeans and a parker, they are more than likely going to be shunned and turned away, because they do not fit in to the groups values- looking very similar. Even though all they subjects are wearing the same style of park they are still different in small parts, suggesting they may value being similar to one another yet showing their own identity at the same time. This image has influenced my ideas for this shoot because even though I wouldn't be able to take a photo of this many subjects, I would still be able to show collective identity yet at the same time individuality, just in smaller groups.

This is a final example which shows friendship as a result of learning and sharing things together. This was taken by the looks of it somewhere which isn't a skatepark, perhaps on the side of a road. this could be argued to be a disruption as they would get int he way of the public as they use the pavement. Thus showing the rebellion of youth, they are given places to skate, yet choose not to. Furthermore, the style of these two subjects is very similar, they look quite well dressed, this could be seen as irony because normally, people who skateboard are stereotypically labelled and seen as wearing hoodies and tracksuits, whereas as these subjects are counter stereotypes in the style, it shows how people use their youth years are a way to fight stereotypes and stand up to stand out. This has influenced me in this shoot in showing me ideas to get my subjects doing the same activity.

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