This image is really intriguing when researching youth because it shows the dark negative stereotypes of youth. With the low key lighting technique it gives it a dark gloomy affect and at the same time an unidentified affect- the audience cannot see who this subject is, it could be anyone. The only way we can make a personality of this person is due to their clothing. This links with Ann Goulds theory of the stereotypes of youth as being rebellious. Furthermore the black and white editing help make this photo interesting of youth because if this person was shown in a bright coloured place- it wouldn't work alongside this outfit she is wearing. This photographer has also used the rule of thirds in order to frame a good image to display youth, if the subject was in the central third, it could be suggested that it has been positioned with lots of thought, yet with it on the left third it makes it suggestive that youth are always on their own side, also that this photographer might have positioned it further to the side of the subject because she was walking- so they were able to be captured. Another aspect which makes this image influence my work is the use of shadowing of this subject because it furthers the idea of the gloomy side of youth. This image also links well with the style of Gavin Watson, even though its a bit dark what Watson would shoot like, the style of this subject is very similar to his subjects.
This image has an amateur vibe to it which I really like because I believe it fits really well with the youth personality and their stereotype, to capture them having fun as best as you can, you won't be able to stop them to frame a perfect photo, you'll just have to take it when possible. Furthermore this photographer has used the cameras flash on it, which normally I wouldn't like but for this image I think it really works because it helps shows the fun side of youth. However it could be argued that this image shows the rebellious side of youth because they are sat in a shopping trolley using it for something other than it's correct purpose. Furthermore, This image is intriguing because there is a film effect/ filter of it, I'm not sure whether this is because it is a photo of a photo, but either way I think it works really well in showing the fun side of youth- there is much worse things/ actives these subject could be doing than riding in a trolley.
For this photo it shows youth in two main ways, the use of the location being at a school is really important. Most people associate youth with school because the majority is spent within education. But at the same time we see a subject vandalising these lockers with graffiti "Don't Grow Up". This can be symbolic into researching youth because it shows even though we all get older, it is implied the older we get the younger/ more rebellious we become. Another reason why I have chosen this image to show my research into youth because even though I hope to to use the route of portraiture, for certain images I think using negative lighting on my subject- for example having them all in black and facing the other way works just as well/ at times even better because it means the audience are unable to feel who this person is as it gives no identity, therefore the audience are lead to make a personality out of the activity/ vandalism this subject is doing. This links with theorist Philo with the idea of "hoodie cinema" the middle class' anxiety threat of their dominance posed but he working class. The middle class would look down at these students because they are int he location of a place where they are given the chance to work there way to get a better job, yet are spending their time vandalising instead.
This image represents youth really well because it shows the rebellion side. The denotation of these subjects walking into somewhere where on the road it reads "No Entry" proves that they do not care to listen to the rules". This also shows the "Red button" idea, if youth get told not to do something it makes them more intrigued to do it. This image has influence my work because it has shown me to try and include simple factors such as signs used in everyday situations to show the rebellion of youth not compiling with the rules. Another reason why I have picked this image in order for my research in youth is because many of the photos I found have a simplistic and amateur affect to them because of the high use of the artificial lighting on the camera. Normally when wanting to take an image, I tend to avoid use the camera flash because it normally washes out the photo, however in photos such as this one regarding youth I think it works really well because it makes the white lines on the road makings sharper and clearer. Another aspect I find intriguing is the photographers framing of this situation because you cannot see all of the writing on the road- the Y is cut out, normally, I would like to include everything to make it a whole picture, however I think as this photographer has decided not to include everything it makes it intriguing because alongside showing youth as ignoring the rules, it tells us about the photographer as well. It's suggested that this photographer is similar ages to the age representation of the subject because they have quickly taken this photo and it is suggested little thought has gone into it, therefore giving a good/ raw insight into youth. This work is very similar to the work shown in my research log of Megan Dorherty because she too took photos quickly and the final product shows youth really well.
For this image, it shows the friendship of youth which I find interesting because I find that if I were to capture youth as true of an insight as possible, I would have to include the friendships that are included. For this image there is a denotation of two subjects sittings on dirty bins in a run down alley drinking, yet this holds a connotation revealing youth really clearly making this image really interesting. For example it may be implied that these youth are sat here like this because they are hiding from people, perhaps they aren't allowed to drink at home so therefore have found a spot to drink together and have fun. It also shows that youths can be argued not to be high maintenance- they don't mind sitting somewhere dirty if they are having a good time. Furthermore, the outfits the subjects are wearing make it really interesting because it shows
This image isn't particularly youth orientated but I think it complies really well with the stereotype of teenagers caring so much about being within a couple. Therefore I think this photo is symbolic because it shows their personality, they are trying to pose for a photo together- being "cute"- yet it is contrasted with a gritty location of a train. Normally trains aren't associated with being a clean place, but rather a place which is dirty and gritty. Another aspect of this image which I found intriguing and influencing me to include on a youth photo shoot would be the dirtiness of trains. With this image, we see the graffiti on the wall behind them which I think really well because it is unclear to us as the audience on whether this was them who had done this and are now taking a photo with their work, or they just wanted to take a photo together. I think the most important part of this image which I can try attempt to recreate is the style of photo, this appears to be taken on a film camera, even though I do not own one, I can use photoshop in order to recreate it, I think this affect is really intriguing in looking at youth because it shows the different aspects of youth- it isn't all "dark" "hoodies" and "louts", there are other sides of youth which can be more interesting to look at/ capture.
This photo is very similar to one studied by William Klein- showing the rebellion of youth and the dark side, but also the use of peer pressure and influence side of youth. In a similar style of Klein, the audience are shown an older youth/teen with the destructive weapon of a gun, but then a younger subject next to him. This photo is frame really interesting due to the audience not being able to see the older subject- the one holding the gun, we cannot tell who he is, but from the see of him holding a gun, we can tell that he isn't a nice person- stereoytpically through judging him at first sight, but yet we are able to see the identity of the younger subject- showing the peer pressure- this individual may get in trouble for being with someone with a gun. Another aspect of this photo which is really interesting is the use of the black and white, this can indicate that it is an old image- back when people were able to easily get access to guns or that it is taken in a country where the law of having to have a gun license isn't there.
This image has influenced my idea for this personal project because I believe it shows the "dark side" of youth and the negative stereotypes. This is because the use of black and white shows the contrast in colour through the transition of dark light in the bottom left hand corner to the bright light in the top right hand corner. This can be symbolic of youth because it shows the changing of youth, in the foreground we see a youth spray painting but appears to be in the shadow, whereas the subject in the background appears to be in the light, maybe this could suggest the photographer wanted to show the audience the difference in youth- there are some who hide in the shadows doing the exact same thing as those in the light but only some are shown in the public.
This image is very similar to the image above which I really like. Even though I wouldn't really be able to create the same photo, there is a chance that I can take the use of editing to disguise my subjects, this way the audience are unable to tell exactly who they are but can tell the type of person they appear to be- through the use of their silhouette. For example within this photo, we can see a subject in the foreground silhouette, but are unable to tell exactly who it is. Through the use of their clothing and the punctum of a spray paint can, it suggests to the audience they are the stereotypical youth, they are out looking for trouble. Furthermore, with the rubbish scattered across the floor, it implies to the audience that this place is scattered with lots of different youths who do not care for their surroundings. Another reason why this photo is really interesting to the audience when researching youth is because you can see there are people in the background doing similar to the subject in the foreground however with a huge gap in between suggests they are exactly friends. This suggests to the audience that within youth, there are similar subcultures, yet they are antisocial and whereby do not enjoy being together.
This image is rather interesting when looking at youth because much like similar images above, there is a amateur feel to the image, perhaps this is due to using a film styled camera. Therefore this has shown me- alongside all the other images, to experiment with different styles of cameras, to give out different effects. Stereotypically youths are considered lazy, a use of an amateur camera may help me produce this symbolism. This image on it's own can represent to an audience the youths perspective because of the use of lighting and focus. The focus of the camera appears to be on the light coming from the window in the background, this has created a silhouette effect on the subjects, hiding who they are and their identity.
The angle of this image is really intriguing because the wide angle effect shows the whole location of the tube train. With the fashion it creates a counter sterotype on youth because this subject does no appear to be a hoodie teen looking for trouble. Furthermore, with the newspaper hooked under his arm suggests being educated. I find this image really interesting because when looking at the clothes and the use of newspaper, it could be a photo of an older generation subject, however as it is of a young teen, it can be symbolic to the audience to show the impressionable side of youth- youths become what they see- their parents are their biggest role models. Another reason I find this photo really interesting is the use of colours, with subject having light blue jeans it corresponds with the dark blue on the seats and then his shoes are similar colour to the rest of the train, the reason I find this interesting is because this subject is almost the same as his surroundings.
Even though some may suggest this doesn't count as photography, I believe it shows a really interesting pathway into youth. This can help inspire my work through the physical experimentation later on in the project. One key stereotype of youths that many of the older generation suggest is the "screen teens" periods of youth.The use of hiding the person head and replacing it with a TV shows this stereotype which I find really intriguing. Even though this is just a drawing I think it can have a really big impact upon my work. Furthermore, the body language of this subject looks quite "chill" as if they are watching TV at this moment, this may suggest that even though youths are constantly watching TVs/ different screens, they do not mind because they aren't actually doing any damage to anyone.
This image is really interesting when looking at the stereotypes of youth subculture as being destructive. With the fire in the background in focus and lit and then the subject in focus but because of the lighting by the flames, the subject is a silhouette hiding their identity. Through the use of this photographer stopping the audience finding out who this subject is. A way I can achieve a similar effect is through getting my camera to focus on the brightness of the flames rather than the subject. I like how this photographer has used the stereotypical clothing for youths- hoodies, suggesting rebellion. With this outfit tided in with the flames it suggests to the audience/ they can create a story that this subject was the cause of the explosion behind them- they are walking away from it, not running because they do not care what they have done/ the consequences which may follow.
The "retro"/ 90s appearance of this photo makes it really interesting because it shows a typical "Thug"/ "CHAV" appearance of these subjects, this is due to the colouring of there clothes but mainly due to the positioning/ narrow depth of field effect this photographer has created. By making the hand out of focus and the subjects in focus is a really interesting approach because it's almost as if this subject is trying to pull us into the image- lending a hand, I find this really intriguing because it's as if the photographer wanted the audience to appear to be drawn into this subject- being pulled into their gang. Another aspect of this image which I really like like how the audience are mainly focused on the subject int he foreground who is holding out their hand, however I find the subject int he background just as interesting because of the body language and action of smoking; this is because whilst the foreground subject appears to be pulling us in, the other subject appears to not care at all whilst looking int he complete opposite direction.
I find this image links really well with the photographer of Gavin Watson who's work is shown within my research log; because of the linking theme of skinhead youths. My main aim for this project is to show the stereotypes of youth and I believe the skin head era is a really key part of youth which I really hope to include. This image appears to of been taken using film photography due to it being quite old which I really like. Another aspect of this image which I find really intriguing is the story behind it, even though I do not know who took it exactly, I believe the story can be read quite clearly. This group of youths which the photographer has chosen to take an image of which just on the street together, using what in front of them, the photographer managed to gain this raw photo of this era of youth which I really like. Therefore this shows me how I can use documentary photography within my work because I can try walking around London and try take photos of genuine groups of people- not staged, just asking them if I can take their photo.
This photo links really well with the photographer shown on my research log- Dan Boulton, through the use of grime editing- black and white making it gritty. However, it could be suggested that this image may be used for a childline advert for child abuse. This subject appears to be smoking in a dark alley- perhaps as a way to hide from parents. However the contrast in the "adult" action of smoking is contrasted with the holding of a clown teddy- something associated with a child's protection- security. This make this photo really interesting because it shows how youth attempt to grow up too quickly- trying to be older than what they really are, it could be suggested that this is due to peers or mainly parents. Another aspect of this photo which I find really interesting is the scratched out writing on the wall is very similar to the crossed out eyes on the teddy; this may be symbolic to the audience by showing them that children may be sitting there appearing to look like they are happily playing but in actual fact they are watching their surroundings taking it in. Even though this photo is aimed at younger subjects than my project, the symbolism can still help me form similar images.
This photographer of this image has used film photography what I think works really well in this lighting and location; this is because it shows an older effect however the subject looks modern in her outfit- suggesting a contrast. The reason I have chosen this image for researching youth because even though it isn't a stereotypical youth photo, I still think the action of being careless is shown in this photo because she is in her "own world" looking at her phone, wearing shorts and a strapy top whilst being in a place which is negatively associated with- a train station.
I find this image really interesting because even though you cannot see the person who is taking this photo- the subject, you can see the rebellion through the use of road marking. It is very likely for this road parking to say "No parking" however this photographer has decided to just use the "NO" part suggesting a rebellion against whoever. Another aspect of this image which I really like is the colouring of the photo, the whites are really bold which are contrasted by the bold colour of black in both the road, shoes and trousers. This image can be useful for my project of use because much like many other photos in this image bank, there doesn't appear to be much thought in the framing of the image. The way the photographer has made the "No" angled can be symbolic of rebellion because for a sign that says "no parking", this individual has chosen to stand on it instead.
This photo is really interesting when looking at youth because it shows rebellion through the use of narrow depth of field. With the foreground being the subject in focus and the background revealing "warning" signs which are blurred shows a careless side of youth; signs are used in order to warn people for their own good, generally on roads. However as this person appears to be happily walking along this road, it shows they do not care. Furthermore the body language of the "peace" sign/ swearing sign, almost shows a rebellion against the photographer and the signs. A way this photo can help influence my ideas on this project is to show simple body language which can be read by my audience as a stand up to the rules.
This work is very similar to the work shown on my research log by the photographer Darren Johnson who experiments with different locations and silhouettes of subjects. With the use of the hoodie, it conceals the subject from any one finding out the identity of them. Perhaps this could be suggested as for safety but can also be for the protection of this individual as they have just/ about to do something- this shows how this photo is so easily morphed into a story of the audience. Another aspect of this photo which I find really interesting is the weather and location, the photographer has decided to shoot this on a rather dark and misty day which can create fear for certain people because fog/ mist is good at hiding things- crimes.
This image also links well with my interests shoots which I have planned to do because it shows a subject within a record shop "browsing" at the rock section. This shows a rebellion enjoyment- of rock music- this shows a change in youth because rock music was enjoyed by "skin-heads" who used their music in order to rebel against their parents. However there is contrast between the music and the subject. The subject from first sight doesn't appear to be one who enjoys rock music. This can therefore be useful because it shows how youth isn't always "readable" because there actions may say one thing but their appearance may say something else.
This photo is really interesting again due to the amateur appeal of it. This therefore shows (as combined with many of these photos) that when I come to taking these images not to over think my angling of the photos because at times the "quick shot" photos can be just as interesting to look at than those spent perfectly framed. The use of reflection shows the friendship of both the photographer and those surrounding him. I also think the location is really intriguing as well because of all the places these people have chosen to go, they have chosen a comic book store which shows a counter stereotype of youth but also shows the fun side of youth. The mirror they have used int his photo is wide angled which creates a higher vision for the audience of their surroundings which I really like because it highlights the craziness of this shop which I think can be used as symbolism of youth because these subjects are in the middle of this craziness yet are still shown having fun- showing all the stress put onto youths, when they are with their friends they are able to put that aside.
There is a great rebellion effect which has been created within this image because of the positioning of the subject and also the use of narrow depth of field making it really interesting for the audience as a story can be created, something that I would hope to be able to create within my own shoots. This photographer has captured a hooded subject in the foreground and in the blurred background appears to be something else walking away. However the foreground subject appears to be watching the other subject, this may produce the story in the audiences mind that after this photo was taken, the foreground subject followed the other subject. This can be useful when researching into youth because stereotypically youths are portrayed as rebellious individuals who seek trouble by praying on people who appear "helpless" in comparison to them.
This photo is really posed which I hope not to aim for as most my photos will be against the documentary candid style. However the style and effect of this photo is really interesting when looking at youth because it shows a rebellion attitude. Normally, I have been taught to take my shoes off when inside someones house as a sign of respect- shoes are something you wear when are outside and generally get dirty, therefore you take them off so you don't make the house dirty, however with this subject wearing her shoes suggests there isn't a care for that. Additionally the use of the subject smoking inside joins in on the rebellious attitude .
I find the lighting and focus/ blur in this image really interesting when researching youth. With the contrast of lighting from the bold signs in the background with the dark lighting on the youth. Furthermore, as the photo was taken it appears the camera was moved a small bit white has created a blur across the subjects face- as if the lighting in the background has created glare in this part of the image which I find really intriguing when looking at it because it covers the face and therefore hides the subjects identity. Spray painting on public walls is considered vandalism and therefore illegal for the destruction of private property.
This image is very similar to one of the photos shown below through the use of film photography but also the use of clothing. This subject appears to be of the working class background and generally this stereotypically means they are always scouting for trouble and are therefore uneducated. This image is really interesting for researching youth because even though I hope to aim most of my work around the candid documentary style of photography, I believe the location and setting of this photo can be really interesting for the audience. With the plain "industrial" feel of the bricked background being quite plain contrasts the colouring of the clothing of this subject which I really like. Furthermore, the body language and the facial expression of this subject shows boredom but also as he is sat on the floor shows a sense that he doesn't care.
This image is really interesting when looking at youth because you as the audience are unable to tell who this person is yet the framing of this image is symbolic of youth because even though the head is cut out of the image, we can see that see is climbing over a fence- this would be the denotation. However it could be argued that if this person has to climb a gene to get somewhere, the idea would be that they shouldn't be going in there in the first place, otherwise there would be an easier entrance. Furthermore, this image could be symbolic of the suggestion with youth through the connotation, this subject was almost trapped inside a cage and is therefore trying to escape, symbolically suggesting youth is trapped them, this complies with Acland's theory of ideology of protection- teenagers are being tired of always being "protected" so it increases their level of rebellion. If they are told- don't climb the fence, they will want to climb the fence.
This image is intriguing when looking at youth because the style of film photography. The youth of colours in the background of the building contrasts from the lack of colour on this subject. I find the clothing of this youth rather interesting because from far away they look "mean and moody", yet when you look closer at this subject, you can tell by the inside of their coat is coloured, suggesting they are hiding who they truly are. I think this aspect of it can be really interesting when I come to shooting my project because it shows the different sides of youth. Another aspect I like of this photo is the location of a typical building estate, therefore suggesting this individual is of the working class background and is (stereotypically) therefore trouble.
This image ties really well with the image bank shown on my "Changing of interest" shoot because it shows the counter stereotype of youths/ the older side of how youth used to be enjoyed, through the use of music in records rather than going out looking for trouble on a night out. The low key lighting studio effect in this photo makes it really interesting because the audience can mainly see the arms and the record, nothing else of the subject is clear. This can have a powerful effect upon the audience because it shows how they are becoming their interest- something I can use in the progression of interests as time has progressed, people are becoming more and more like their hobby.
This image is really interesting because there is a clear amateur effect to it. This suggests that the people have have just smoked the whole packet/ about to go onto the next are rather proud of themselves but aren't going to sit there and position a camera in order to "gain the right angle". Even though this image doesn't have subjects in as such, the presence of them is still there due to the rubbish they have left behind. The way the cigarettes are lying on concrete ground next to a lighter and what appears to be part of clothing, suggests whoever was smoking these were sat on the floor. This small factor can prove very effective for my work because the placing of the subjects is just as important in the activity they are doing.
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